Latest research updates
Can Migration Patterns Help Predict COVID Outbreaks in South Asia?

The lockdown in South Asia has led to mass migration of people back to their home towns and villages as the work opportunities in urban centres shrink. Researchers discuss the public health risk this poses to rural areas. 

Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Country Options

François Gerard, Clément Imbert and Kate Orkin argue that by using a broader patchwork of solutions than higher-income countries, low-income and middle-income countries can cast an emergency safety net with extensive coverage. 

COVID-19 Perceptions and Economic Anxiety

A column co-authored by researcher Lukas Hensel discusses using Google search activity and individual survey data to document a rapid increase in economic anxiety in the US in response to the initial global spreading of the virus. 

Research Evaluation Instruments

The Mind & Behaviour Research Group is dedicated to providing tested trial interventions to the public. All instruments used in completed projects are archived here. This includes all qualitative and quantitative instruments used like questionnaires, training manuals, and other intervention materials. 


Cash and Aspirational Video Trial in Kenya

View all questionnaires used in Kenya trial on aspirational videos paired with cash transfers.