Instruments and Materials
Endline Questionnaire

A printable version of the complete endline survey for the aspirations research trial. 

Intervention Questionnaire

A printable version of the intervention survey, including questions for goal-setting exercise. 

Tracking Manual

A printable version of the tracking and survey protocol manual. This document is intended for managers overseeing enumerators. 

Endline Survey Manual

Module wise endline survey manual. This document is intended as a reference for the enumerators. 

Intervention Materials: Stickers

Stickers used during running goal-setting exercises with participants. 

Intervention Materials: Calendar

Calendar used during running goal-setting exercises with participants. 

Visualisation for Measures: Risk Preferences

Materials used when measuring risk preferences.

Visualisation for Measures: Time Preferences

Materials used when measuring time preferences.

Endline Questionnaire: SurveyCTO

A .xlxs file for collecting endline survey data using SurveyCTO.